I would like to thank all my followers and to my new followers, welcome! I'm SOoooo happy that others are interested in my adventure, you all have me doing THE HAPPY DANCE!
Friday, December 30, 2011
I made a lamp!
My fiancé asked me are you going to make everything for your dollhouse? He kind of made me feel bad, not that he tried to. It's just I enjoy the adventure of trying to conquer something I never tried. So I had a vision of a lamp and I thought why not try to make it. I did try to find the lamp online, it's just they are so expensive$$, and I like one of a kind items (in my real life also). I made the lamp using some beads that I had from a old towel set, and the top is made from little umbrella sticks you would put in a tropical drink. The pic frame is button. What do you think?
Wow the camera really show your flaws and all. I need to do some paint touch ups, lol. I think this piece of art look very nice over the dresser. I will be adding some accessories to the dresser a little later. The curtain must go. That is the one item I 'm having the hardist time making. Well, until next time.
Wow the camera really show your flaws and all. I need to do some paint touch ups, lol. I think this piece of art look very nice over the dresser. I will be adding some accessories to the dresser a little later. The curtain must go. That is the one item I 'm having the hardist time making. Well, until next time.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Progress Has Been Slow
I'm still here, I'm having a case of miniature creativity block with a side of tired beyond any means. I cannot for the life of me get creative. I'm out of school for the winter break, yea, I think. I did b4 the tiresome sickness came about make a room divider to go into the oriental inspired bedroom. I thought of the idea one night while I was watching television. So on an adventure I went.
I hand painted the Chinese symbols. I thought this would be simple, but me being American and never wrote Chinese symbols b4. Boy was I wrong. You should see my trail version it looks like a kindergarten did the artwork. So I made up my own symbols and named them, Together, Beauty, and Luck. How did I do? Also what color should I make the curtains for this room? I was thinking white, what do you think?
I stained the bamboo floors that were placed in the hallway. I also added the trim. I did all this to help me relax b4 finals,( my relaxing time), and now that school is over I'm just TIRED. What piece of furniture should go in the hallway. I was thinking a nice reading chair with a small table. I'm looking for the perfect piece of art to go on the wall.
Last I made a wine glass shelf. I felt that wall next to the cabinet was too empty looking. So because the members that will be residing in this house will be wine hobbyist, they will need somewhere to hang their glasses to rest, lol.
I have been very busy interviewing member that will be staying in this house. OK, the truth is I asked my family to buy me the Disney fairy dolls (they are about 4 or 5 inches in height) for Christmas, I think they will be perfect to live in my house. I will be removing their wings and making them some clothing. I hope Santa bring me what I ask for. Please Santa I passed (I got an "A") that very boring ethics class I had to take, and I only fell asleep twice.
I also made a cabinet with a sink for the bathroom. It's not complete it still needs to be painted and the top added and other repairs b4 its finished. The sink is a jelly container from a restaurant. For the life of me I just love making everything, its like I cannot buy whats out here. I love trying to conquer something new!
I'm starting to work on my bakery,I'm going to use the basement as the bakery. I have ordered some desserts on ebay. This have begun to cost me a little to much. Which is why I'm going to have to learn how to make my own goodies.
I have a vision on how I want it to look and feel. Well, until the next adventure,Have a Merry Christmas!
Monday, November 28, 2011
24 hours in a day, really?
Today was a off day for me so I decided to dedicate all my time to my dollhouse. My real house can wait, actually I think it's about time I go on strike again, lol. The furniture that my good friend found at the doll store I decided to paint it, to match the bed I made. I also made some curtains, but I'm unsure if Im going to use them, it's not the vision I had in mind. This is a sneak peak at my progress so far.
The vanity will be painted to match the other pieces, I think, what do you think? Should I paint it black also?
The chair will not be used. It's just a fill in. I made the bedding, it's not complete yet.
Do you see the beautiful stained floors. These are the original floors in the house I sanded them and stained them. I will be adding the baseboards trim a lil later. I also stained the window trim.
On my adventure to Michael's I discovered these Chinese symbols on clearance. This is the reason I made the bedding red. They will be used in the room. Well, until the next adventure, take care!
The vanity will be painted to match the other pieces, I think, what do you think? Should I paint it black also?
The chair will not be used. It's just a fill in. I made the bedding, it's not complete yet.
Do you see the beautiful stained floors. These are the original floors in the house I sanded them and stained them. I will be adding the baseboards trim a lil later. I also stained the window trim.
On my adventure to Michael's I discovered these Chinese symbols on clearance. This is the reason I made the bedding red. They will be used in the room. Well, until the next adventure, take care!
Monday, November 21, 2011
A time to share has come, Crafter's Delights is having her first giveaway!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
I found it...
On my previous blog I wanted to give credit to the idea of making mini books using foam core. I found the blog that I got the idea from, Ask Tabitha. This blog is wonderful, she gives great tips and you can email her if you have any mini questions.
Monday, November 14, 2011
This room is coming together slowly. Due to my studies I haven't had much time to work on my house. Truth be told I need to get my GPA back up. My last class was HARD.
Ok, lets see I added some carpet I went with a gray color / the cream color was blending in with the furniture to much, so out it went. I added trim to the chair I made. I was able to find the trim at Ron's Miniature Store in Orlando. The people at that store is so helpful and nice. If you are ever in O town stop by and visit them. I purchased this light from the shop. I think it looks very charming on the bookcase that I made. I want to make the bookcase look antique. But I don't know how to, help is needed and greatly appreciated. What do you think of the lamp?
I did finish the entertainment center as you can see I painted it lime green. I finished the flat screen TV. I haven't added a pic of that scene yet.
That adventure is for the next blog.
Speaking about adventure I found the most helpful tutorial on how to make books instead of buying some. I have searched my blog list but I am unable to give credit to the rightful person, I can not find where I got the tip from. I made the books by covering poster board with pieces of paper.
Ok, lets see I added some carpet I went with a gray color / the cream color was blending in with the furniture to much, so out it went. I added trim to the chair I made. I was able to find the trim at Ron's Miniature Store in Orlando. The people at that store is so helpful and nice. If you are ever in O town stop by and visit them. I purchased this light from the shop. I think it looks very charming on the bookcase that I made. I want to make the bookcase look antique. But I don't know how to, help is needed and greatly appreciated. What do you think of the lamp?
That adventure is for the next blog.
Speaking about adventure I found the most helpful tutorial on how to make books instead of buying some. I have searched my blog list but I am unable to give credit to the rightful person, I can not find where I got the tip from. I made the books by covering poster board with pieces of paper.
No detail are shown I just needed the bookshelf to look occupied. I also made the curtain rods, shhh… they are actually drinking straws with wooden beads attached that I painted.
The coffee table will be painted. It was a gift from a friend, who found the table and other mini goodies at the Dollar Tree.
The next adventure will be to start on the bathroom. I found a beautiful soap dish that I will be using as a tub. What do you think of the new slipper claw foot tub? I want the bathroom to be decorated in a tropical retreat look.
However, that project is may have to begin next year. I'm gonna have to get my work station together. Would you look at this mess, lol. The maid is so fired if I had one, lol.
Well until the next adventure, have a Blessed Thanksgiving!
The next adventure will be to start on the bathroom. I found a beautiful soap dish that I will be using as a tub. What do you think of the new slipper claw foot tub? I want the bathroom to be decorated in a tropical retreat look.
Well until the next adventure, have a Blessed Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
To all my followers….
I would like to thank all my followers. It feels great to know that there are others that share the same passion that I do. I hope you will all continue to enjoy my blog. You all are greatly appreciated!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
busy busy me….
I have been on a roller coaster of adventures. Were do I begin, as a gift my boyfriend surprised me with extra money, I was told not to spend it on nothing but items for my dollhouse. So I went to the fabric and craft store and went bonkers. I have this problem, I really want to buy stuff for my dollhouse, but making it is so much fun. So I decided to make a couch, chair, pillows, and curtains for my living room. Here is a picture of the couch. I made it a while back but it needed to be finished and pillows added.

The first red flag should have been when I tried to re-design a chair. Instead of going with the traditional square design I wanted to make the top portion round.
Have I mentioned that I have never taken the adventure to reupholster anything before the miniature world. It is a challenge to upholstery mini items.

I tried my best, I just need to add some trim to the top to hide my flaws.The bamboo trim was added to match the couch and to add a lil coastal feeling to the room. I have the feet all stained and ready to be placed on the chair. Now I just need the time to begin the task.
I'm gonna put a flat screen T.V., in the middle. I still need to find carpet, and make curtains until the next adventure take care.
The couch design was inspired from a photo that I seen in the PotteryBarn magazine. This is what I tried to achieve, but my design went another direction.
The first red flag should have been when I tried to re-design a chair. Instead of going with the traditional square design I wanted to make the top portion round.
Have I mentioned that I have never taken the adventure to reupholster anything before the miniature world. It is a challenge to upholstery mini items.
Every time I work on this room the design keeps changing. My real house is defined as electric, a lot of warm colors. This dollhouse is streaming to me to not go that direction as far as warm colors. I mentioned before that I was beating up a china cabinet and turning it into an entertainment center. Well, here is the finished product!
Monday, October 10, 2011
What do you think?
After this adventure I decided to jump up stairs( I said jump because my house don't have stairs), lol. To continue work in the master bedroom. But after being stomped on what color to paint the room, I jumped back down stairs. Another adventure for another day.
So I decided to paint the living room all white. I have crown molding that goes in this room. I don't think Im gonna paint it white, maybe a cream color. Unsure.
So this is the almost finished room. I found this wrapping paper and it spoke to me. So I decided to use it as wallpaper. I'm so loving this room! I think having only wallpapering this wall makes the room look so classic & sexy.
See that silver top in the corner of the room. I think I'm gonna make a coffee table out of it. It is a top from a candle from Bath & Body Works
The next step is to add carpet and finish the room. What color carpet should I use to go in this room? The next adventure will be stripping a china cabinet and making it into a entertainment center. Until then happy adventures!
Friday, September 30, 2011
To sew or not to sew?
Hand stitched |
Below is the one pillow that I worked on last night. The picture is a little hazy/blurry. I like the pattern. This will not be the pattern I will use to go with the couch. I just wanted to try it out first.
It took less time (I used the hem tape). However, I don't like the way it look. It don't look as fluffy as the first ones. These are the first ones. I'm still debating on what color I will use for the pillows. I want a color that will bounce off the hazy dazy color of the couch, ( spell check is not liking my new word, lol). Pictures of the finished couch will be posted next. Until the next adventure, take care!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Rainy Day
Today we got a lil rain more storms are expected. I should be in my garage working on finishing my bed. The problem Florida heat can make you want to stay inside. I have made the headboard and the frame. I don't want the bedding to be black & white. I was thinking going bold with the color of the bedding.
I would like some ideas on what color I should paint the bedroom walls. I want the headboard to be the center of attention in the room. Any ideas?
I added legs to the bed, I wanted it to have a lil height.
I will be attaching the headboard to the wall. This is the bed with the legs. The legs are from some hutches brought at Michaels. I'm glad I found all the helpful tips that one can do with the hutches. For $1.00 you can bang them up you can't go wrong.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Bed Making Time
Yesterday I got an idea to make my own miniature bed. I have this wonderful scrapbook paper that would look lovely as a padded headboard. It is black & white, with a swirl flower design. I picked it up at Hobby Lobby, it spoke to me. As you will see along the way on my adventures, furniture items and anything I can decorate with; speaks to me, lol. I may sound crazy but I love to decorate in mini and in real life. So let's see I'm gonna take some scrap wood, and my new favorite scrapbook paper and ….

Saturday, September 17, 2011
Let the demolition begin.
This house had a lot of wallpaper that needed to be removed. Along with the old copper wire lighting system. I also removed the stairs. They didn't fit w/ the new design. The removal gave me more kitchen space. After all the hours spent removing wallpaper and carpet, I was ready to break.
Update: Progress the first room I started on was the kitchen. If I may say so I'm very proud of myself this is not the finish product the kitchen is 78% finish. Why 78% well I need more $ to finish buying other kitchen accessories. I made the table, windowseat, blinds & the pillows. I have been very busy. So glad I discovered I could blog about my progress. Im so excited! Until the next adventure, good day!
A diamond in the rough. Let the adventure begin..
This house is pretty sizable, so I had to move it to my garage. I'm not gonna paint the outside just yet, maybe, umm, later. It was in great shape when I found it. Hay for $30 I can't complain, lol. I later found out that the name of this gorgeous house is called, "The Emerson Row House".
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