Hello followers, oh how I miss blogging. I thought I was all finish with school but I had to complete the final comp exam that is required to complete the program and get my degree in mental health. Well, long story short I'm retaking the exam again this Saturday I failed by 3 points. I cried ( really I boo hoo'ed cried) the mail man didn't know what to say to me standing there crying at the mail box, lol. That test was
HARD and you have to score a 100%. I gave myself 2 days to have a pity party and after that I went back to studying. So here I am ready for Saturday, because I'm so ready to take the exam that my brain cannot study any more.
Plus I have so many mini projects I would like to finish. I actual put all my dollhouse up in the closets so I could focus on studying. But I'm pulling them out tomorrow because I claim I will be passing my comp exam and I'll have free time again. This too funny as I'm writing this my school just called to confirm that I'll be ready Saturday, I'm ready it is in Gods hands I'm not in control I gave all stress and worries to him I can't do it alone.
So friends until I'll be back!!!